People often find themselves rushing in today's hectic lifestyle. Returning to the forest allows individuals to regain a sense of peace and regulate their current emotions. Mindful walking allows for a natural pace; moving like the wind, standing like a pine, rediscovering inner peace and tranquility.
2024竹博覽會暨世界竹論壇雲林展區竹林療育工作坊 2024 Bamboo Expo and World Bamboo Congress: Bamboo Forest Therapy Workshop
The Yunlin Exhibition Area of the 2024 Bamboo Expo and World Bamboo Congress is based on the concept of local materials and incorporates environmental aesthetics. The Yunlin County Government has arranged certified forest therapist from the Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency to lead you into the forest. Forest therapy workshops will be held every day from April 19th to 28th. The registration opens on March 14th.
時間 Time:08:00~17:30
地點 Place:草嶺石壁竹創森園區 Yunlin Caoling Forest Therapy Base (草嶺石壁森林療癒基地-五元兩角)
報名方式 Registration:全預約制,每梯次限定16人 Reservation required, limited to 16 participants per session
課程費用 Course Fee:每人 1600 NTD per person (基於使用者付費原則,費用含課程教具、午餐、接駁專車與講師費,部分費用由雲林縣政府補助 Includes course materials, lunch, shuttle bus from Yunlin THSR, and instructor fees.)
【講師簡介 Instructor Profile】 林柏樺老師 林業保育署認證森林療癒師 Certified forest therapist from the Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency
【課程簡介 Course Overview】 步行禪,重心放在腳上,放鬆身體,放鬆頭腦,全身從頭到腳的每個部位,盡量放鬆。 行走的過程中,不被內心的想法和外在的環境所影響,心要放在動作和感覺上。 例如,行走時,有很多的鳥鳴聲,清楚周遭環境,但不在意是哪些鳥,面帶喜悅的微笑,把心回到行走的當下。 一步一步地走,清楚感受自己走的這一步,體驗 "只走一步" 的感覺;這一步,就是當下全部的生命。 體驗行走的動作與感覺,既有助於身體健康,又不浪費時間,讓忙碌的心得到休息與安定,一舉兩得,何樂而不為呢?
Mindful walking focuses on placing your weight on your feet, relaxing the body, and quieting the mind. Each part of the body, from head to toe, should be relaxed as much as possible.
During the walk, try not to be influenced by inner thoughts or external surroundings. Keep your focus on the movement and sensations. For example, if you hear bird songs while walking, acknowledge the surrounding environment without dwelling on the specific birds. Smile with joy and bring your mind back to the present moment of walking.
Take each step deliberately, feeling the sensation of each step and experiencing the feeling of "just one step." This step embodies the entirety of the present life.
Experiencing the movements and sensations of walking not only promotes physical health but also provides rest and tranquility for the busy mind. It's a win-win situation, making the most of your time.
*自備毛巾,穿著寬鬆衣褲、薄外套。 Note: Please bring a towel and wear loose-fitting clothing and a light jacket.
【課程表 Schedule】
時間 Time | 內容 Activity |
08:00~10:00 | 高鐵雲林站專車接駁至五元兩角 |
10:00~13:00 | 草嶺石壁竹創森園區、森林療癒五感體驗 |
13:00~14:00 | 竹香無菜單療癒餐盒 |
14:00~15:00 | 自由活動時間、五六日梯次將有市集活動 |
15:00~17:30 | 專車接駁回高鐵雲林站 |
【重要提醒 Important Reminders】